Saturday, August 8, 2015

To the Old Me I was Yesterday

     I've been thinking about starting a blog for several years now, but the one thing holding me back was the thought, "What would I even write about on a blog?"  Today it finally hit me, "What couldn't I write about?"  I have always loved writing and have so many thoughts and ideas, but haven't been one to share them.  I guess there's always a fear of embarrassing myself or just having people not care.  Today I am conquering those fears and starting this blog for ME!  Even if no one else reads this, I will still have it to look back on and to laugh about!  (I do have a weird sense of humor and usually only I get what I am actually laughing at.)
     One of my reasons for starting a blog is for sharing and keeping track of my new healthier choices.  I'm thinking this would be a good way for me to not only share my experience along the way, but also to hold myself more accountable.
     Since having my baby boy, Lucas, in September 2014, I have been telling myself that I need to make healthier choices for him: "I need to work out, I need to eat more veggies, I don't need that entire pan of cookies, etc."  At first my goal was to get down to my pre-baby weight by Christmas, which I did, but it wasn't from working out, that's for sure.  I'm not really sure how I don't still weigh what I did when I was pregnant.  My husband always "jokes" I eat more than he does.  I say "jokes" because he is teasing, but it is also very true.  My next goal was to start eating healthier and to tone my body by working out.  I said I'd have it done by April, then by summer, then by the time we moved in July, then by August 1st, and now here we are and I still haven't done it.  I wake up in the morning and think to myself, "Okay.  Today is the day!"  I eat a semi-healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack before the cravings hit.  I get SUPER hungry, and by super hungry I mean "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" on Saturday hungry where I can easily scarf down a whole pan of brownies, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a container of left-over gluten free pasta, a handful of grapes to convince myself that I'm making healthy choices, and a bowl of cereal.  Usually that would be an evening snack after dinner.  All of this and I still can't build myself a cocoon the next day and turn into a beautiful butterfly.
     Let me add here, I blame my cravings on breastfeeding.  I am NOT at complaining about this by any means, just stating a fact: breastfeeding makes me HUNGRY.  I love being able to breastfeed, and Lucas has always been great with it.  I do plan to breastfeed after the first year, but that conversation/blog post/ whatever you want to call it will happen at another time.  Anyways, my point is that I haven't always had a bottomless pit for a stomach; that happened when I began breastfeeding.  It has made the "eating healthy" goal seem unattainable at times, but as for the "tone my body by working out" goal, I can't use it as an excuse.  I really shouldn't use it as an excuse at all.  Every day after my "evening snack", I think to myself, "Well, I just blew today's calorie limit away.  I'll try again tomorrow."  Then I finish the day off with a cupcake, because what's a cupcake going to matter at that point?  This repeats the next day.  And the next.
     If you are still reading this, today is officially my Day #1 of my making healthier choices.  I'm not expecting to all of a sudden be a perfect, newer, healthier person, but I am motivated to at least try.  There were a few things I did today that probably weren't so healthy, like drink a Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks and just have grapes for lunch, but I did work out and I did stay under my calorie limit.  So take that Old Me that I was Yesterday! :)  I use the myfitnesspal app, which I really like because it helps me keep track of my nutrients, not just calories.  I had almost given up entering all of my food into the app, but starting today, I will use it religiously and drive my husband crazy with it.  He always loves to hear me say, "Hold on a minute!  I'm entering my food!"  I am trying a few different work outs, and I will post about them once I see how I like them. 

With love,

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