Monday, September 12, 2016

It's Been A While

Well, it has been a little while since I've lasted posted.  I was so inspired to create this blog to share my thoughts, but then I guess life got in the way and my inspiration sizzled.  So I'm starting over, kind of.

I'm going to open up a bit and fill you in on one thing that you may not know about me.  Last year around this time, I was really struggling.  I was struggling with myself inside and out, I was struggling being a new mom, and I was struggling with moving to a new place I had only been to a handful of times.  I was flat out exhausted, stressed out, and didn't recognize the wife and mom I was becoming.  To be blunt, I hated who I was becoming.  I could put a smile on my face, I could pretend that everything was just fine, but it wasn't.

At the beginning of this year, I knew I had struggled long enough, and I was going to try something new.  I was going to do something I said I'd never do, and I was going to give something a chance because I needed to do something different.  I took a leap of faith, I dived right in, and it was just what I'd been told and more.

Life is all about choices.  If you aren't happy with something, change it; if you can't change it, change your way of thinking.  A lot of times as parents, we put everyone else in our life (spouse, children, etc.) before ourselves.  However, in order to be the best spouse and parent we can be, we need to learn that sometimes it IS okay to take care of ourselves because that is how we'll be able to be the best version of ourselves we can possibly be.  Our families need the best of us, not just what is left after a long day.

I've made a lot of changes in my life since January.  I've made physical changes, mental changes, and emotional changes--and while I am still a work in progress, I'm so thankful that I AM finally making progress.  My life is far from perfect, but "perfection" isn't my life goal.  My life goal is happiness for myself & my family.  

I will post more to catch you all up on our busy lives another day! :)

With love,